Tuesday, November 14, 2017

2x4 Chair

Now this is a Cool 2X4 Chair that Shane made for ME....WHOOT WHOOT

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Street Graffiti Sawdust Art Using The SADUSDO Art System ~ How To Woodwo...

Yea my First Video in like 6 months....wow, it feels great!! If you are a Maker or a Woodworker, I hope you take the time to stop in and look at the NEW Art form that will be hitting the whole over the next year!! SADUSDO is so cool and is my PASSION For sure. I can hardly wait to show everybody just what I can do with Sawdust in the form of SADUSDO.

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Whoot Whoot my TEASER Video is finally uploaded. It gives some clues as to What SADUSDO is and the kind of things you will see on future videos. I have a long line of projects for this Saw Dust Series. I hope everybody checks it out :-)

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Hey ALL...Get in on the Giveaway if you can. Its SHANES HOBBY SHOP

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Pallet wood Glue-Up Station

Thanks Shane....this is GREAT!!! I am posting Shanes Work here because it was a collaboration of sorts...check it out...This is the very BEST Build I have Ever Seen Shane Cole​ make from Shane's Hobby Shop​ ....if you love Pallet Wood Projects, THIS Is one to watch!! The colors just POP....And the video hardly gives the project proper justice....GREAT JOB SHANE!!!!

Pallet wood Glue-Up Station

Thanks Shane....this is GREAT!!! I am posting Shanes Work here because it was a collaboration of sorts...check it out...This is the very BEST Build I have Ever Seen Shane Cole​ make from Shane's Hobby Shop​ ....if you love Pallet Wood Projects, THIS Is one to watch!! The colors just POP....And the video hardly gives the project proper justice....GREAT JOB SHANE!!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Goodmorning to ALL my Friends :-) This Morning I had some FUN With a GREEN SCREEN Effect while doing some edits on Matthew Haas​ YouTube Channel Awesome Wood Things​ for the MANY ON MISSION Episode for this week...Please WATCH AND SHARE :-) Thank You :-)

Monday, January 16, 2017

MANY ON MISSION~Examination of this series ~Updates/Announcements ~ Moti...

Today we are just having a year end look at the NEW Series that started on my Channel a month or so ago...and a look forward with updates and special announcements

Monday, January 9, 2017

HOW TO STOP FEELING SAD & BLUE ~ CY'S CORNER ~ Many On Mission ~ Inspira...

Hey ALL, Start your morning right by listening to an inspiring message brought to you by our beloved Cy's Corner​ ~ Cy Mars herself :-) It;s A Beautiful Day :-)

Monday, January 2, 2017

NEVER GIVE UP ~ MANY ON MISSION ~ Donald Vlogsify's Wood Shop ~ Motivati...

Another GREAT start to the week with having Donald Vlogsifys Wood Shop​ as the special guest host of this weeks MANY ON MISSION Episode. Helping the Hopeless, Helpless and the Homeless :-)